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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Honey: The Hair Superfood of Summer!

The benefits of honey have long been known, both for inner and outer health and beauty. This sweet treat isn't just great in tea or on toast, it's great to have in your medicine cabinet as well! There are many reasons why honey is one of my beauty superfoods… it provides an incredible kick of moisture, both for your hair AND your skin, as well as other benefits. It’s actually full of antioxidants and antiseptics, so it works as a natural cleanse for our body. Honey also provides healing properties!

If you put honey in your hair, it will help strengthen, soften, and add beautiful shine that you've been missing. Over time it will slowly and safely lighten your hair as well! Just a tad, it’s incredibly natural looking but great for summer. There are no harsh chemicals in honey, so it won't make your hair dry or prone to breakage - in fact, it will do the opposite! Unlike lemon juice, which is a common ingredient for natural hair lightening, honey can be used on brunettes, redheads, AND blondes, without damaging or stripping your hair, or turning it orange.

There are several ways you can incorporate honey into your haircare routine. My favorite method is to make a honey hair mask with olive oil - mix 1/2 cup of honey with 3 tablespoons of oil, and work through hair completely. Put hair up or in a shower cap and let it sit for 30 minutes minimum. Then shampoo your hair thoroughly and let air dry for super-soft hair. Since it’s all natural your hair won’t be stripped and you can use this mask several times a week without any repercussions!

For daily honey treatments, you can actually add the secret ingredient to your conditioner! Just add a few tablespoons to your favorite bottle and shake well. The small amount of nature's magic will give you a whole new showering experience, and a better relationship with your hair. This is a great option if you have issues with dandruff as well - the honey moisturizes without adding harmful chemical buildup to your scalp.

You can find honey at most grocery or health food stores, usually harvested from local beehives! If you have trouble finding honey to use, there are pre-made honey masks and hair products out there that you can buy from the drugstore. Just keep an eye out for ingredients, or ask your stylist if they know or carry any good brands.


  1. I’m going to try this!! I’ve dyed my hair black several times and I’m tired of it. I hope it works since I know black is a very difficult color to get rid off.

  2. شركات نقل الاثاث بالرياض
    إن ما تسعى إليه شركات نقل الاثاث بالرياض ليس فقط أن تكون الشركات الأولى فى مجال نقل الاثاث إن الهدف هو كسب ثقة ومصداقية تامة مع العملاء وتقديم كافة وسائل الراحة أثناء عملية النقل فمعظم شركات النقل لا تهتم بهذه الخطوة وهذا ينتج عنه حوادث نقل الاثاث من كسر فى الزجاج أو حدوث خدوش وهذا لأن كثيرا من شركات نقل الاثاث تخفف التكلفة عليها بعدم تغليف الاثاث بالكامل للحفاظ عليه أثناء نقل الاثاث وهذا يتوفر لدينا من تغليف و نقل لأن اثاث العميل مهم بالنسبة له فنحرص دائماً على تغليف الاثاث بطريقة محترفة وغير قابلة للكسر أو للخدش للحفاظ عليها حتى انتهاء عملية نقل الاثاث بنجاح بدون أى أضرار وهذا ما وعدتك به شركات نقل الاثاث بالرياض.
